#1 Call them

No matter how you reach out, we encourage you to be Joyful Warriors as you extend invites to those who represent you. Elected officials and candidates are busy people. Be prepared to follow up with kindness and respect. You may need to call, email, and schedule a meeting to ensure someone signs. You can look up your elected officials using the handy resource linked here.


#2 Schedule a Meeting

Having officials sign the Parent Pledge is a great way to encourage them to defend fundamental parental rights. Download and print a copy of the Pledge for them to sign. Be sure to tell them your story and why the cause of liberty and parental rights is important to you.



#3 Send an Email

Elected officials are people and parents too. Contacting them doesn't need to be an intimidating prospect. It is easier than you think! Often it is best to start with the officials closest to you. These may be your city council members or school board representatives. We have provided a basic email template as a jumping-off point if you reach out to officials via email.